There are countless success stories of women releasing from the WCCW who not only landed on their feet but who are thriving—not just surviving. Here are very short stories of just a few of these women–with their real names abbreviated and changed to protect their identities:
- JF served 14 years, was selected for the WCCW design program and using CAD software completed 300+ design projects; she is married, the mother of 2, and works in a high level design position with an engineering firm.
- ML served as a Reentry instructor. Upon release worked for a nonprofit mediation entity, after special training she obtained mediator certification and now works in her own mediation practice.
- KMF used her time well to develop expertise in the WCCW law library and assist other women with legal issues. She was accepted into the law school of a major university and is now working toward her law degree.
- JBL petitioned the state board to have her RN license reinstated, was successful, and is now fulfilling the requirements needed for refresher/continuing education in order to reinstate her RN license.
- KLSF served as a Rotary Village Instructor, completed her AA degree inside the WCCW and is now about to complete her BA degree from a major university.